So far, the Arab participation in the 16th Asian Games is quite fruitful! From Sunday 21 November to Saturday 27, Arab athletes got 10 Gold medal, 6 Silver and 11 Bronze medals, for a total of 27 medals in track and field! This is a great improvement in the Arab track and field level in comparison with their fellow Asian neighbors!
Gretta Taslakian, our Lebanese athlete ran a 11.84s in the qualifying round, breaking her National Record of 11.85s. In the semi-finals, Gretta clocked 11.87s in the 100m, taking 6th place. Unfortunately that wasn't enough for her to qualify to the final round. We must mention that Gretta has been running sub 12 all season so far! At 200m, Gretta clocked 24.01s (SB), took 2nd place in her hear (2/3), and have qualified for the final! We hope that she would break the 24s in the final and get close to her National Record of 23.56s! Jean-Claude Rabbath passed the qualifying round with 2m15, and then, in the final, he scored 2m10 and was placed 11th. We should mention that JC is the first and only Lebanese to have won a Gold medal in the Asian Games! Ali Hazer didn't compete in the 10 eve
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